In this course:

This course will focus on the skills and strategies relief veterinarians (and everyone) can apply to be successful in negotiating for yourself. We will specifically cover fee negotiations, as well as self-advocacy and communicating the value you bring.

  • Understand the frameworks and norms in negotiation

  • Understand how to communicate value to other

  • troubleshoot the "dance" of negotiation

Course curriculum

    1. Negotiating for Relief Veterinary Professionals

    2. Negotiating for Relief Veterinary Professionals- Quiz

    1. Building Your Value Prop Workbook

    2. Relief Vet Intro Sheet

About this course

  • Free
  • 4 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


Melanie Barham


Melanie is a veterinarian, entrepreneur, speaker, educator, and mum. Melanie loves working with teams to create change, find new ways to think through problems, and collaborate. She holds a DVM from the Ontario Veterinary College, and MBA in Sustainable Commerce from the University of Guelph, and a Project Management Professional designation. Melanie has held roles in many fields of vet med including sport horse medicine, consulting, laboratory, surveillance, not-for-profit/ NGO, and charity sectors. She founded the DVM Project, the North American branch of VSGD, and formally joined the VSGD team in September 2022 as the CEO. Melanie’s MBA research focused on veterinary career paths. She enjoys teaching about negotiation, storytelling, career development and leadership. Outside of vet med, Melanie loves riding horses, hiking and cross country skiing, writing, and beekeeping.